Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Many Opportunities for Free Classes in Technology Integration

Hi Everyone! Here is a list of the Model Schools Courses for the Winter and Spring 2012 sessions. Remember that all of these courses are free. You can sign up for them on (Just select “CapBOCES/NERIC" under Activity Catalogs in the navigation bar on the left side of your screen.)

All of the courses involve technology, but the emphasis is on integrating that technology with instruction. We strongly recommend that everyone take a look through this list and take a course. There are online “Blackboard™”  style classes, live webinars and traditional workshops in various districts.  Some are only 2 hours long. Others are multiple weeks. They are held on lots of local campuses…including our own… and maybe one near your house.  All carry in-service credit.

Technology is moving so quickly that there is something for all of us to learn. Please consider taking a course. Here are just a couple recommendations (but there are many other great courses, as well!):

*Presentation 2.0: PowerPoint is getting outdated! Have you seen the new generation of presentation software? SlideRocket? Prezi? These are engaging presentation media that exist “out in the cloud” and can be accessed by students anytime. BEST OF ALL- this course is being offered right here on campus- in the Middle School with our own resident expert:  Art Teacher Steve Blais as the instructor. Steve has a ton of really great ideas.  Please consider taking this one-day course:

March 14
Presentations 2.0
Draper Middle School, Room 116/117

*ActiveInspire for Beginners: Taught by our own Lori Gallo, this 3 week course will show you the basics of designing presentations specifically tailored for the interactive whiteboard. You can easily transform existing presentations. The course is held here on campus and starts soon.

Feb 15, 29 & Mar 7
ActivInspire for Beginners
Draper Middle School, Room 121

*Google Docs is a powerful cloud based software that students can access for free from home and school. We have it. Kids have it. All students 7-12 have G-Mail accounts.  It lets them store their work online, collaborate, share with the teacher, and even publish to the world. It has a full free software suite that puts all students on the same playing field. There are a number of different Google Docs workshops:

March 7
Google Docs
Bethlehem High School, Room A‐104

May 3
Create Google Forms to Gather Information Quickly & Easily
Niskayuna Van Antwerp Middle School Lab
May 10
Google Docs – Write and Edit Online; Collaborate With Others
Niskayuna Van Antwerp Middle School Lab

March 7 & 14 OR April 4 & 18
Google Docs for Educators
Schenctady- Steinmetz Academy, Room 201A

March 3 ‐ 18
Google Docs ‐ Encouraging Real Time Collaboration
April 28 – May 13
Google Docs ‐ Encouraging Real Time Collaboration

But wait… there’s more… many more classes on iPads, Google Earth (an incredible resource), creating your own online courses, movie editing, digital photography and image manipulation, animation, Glogster, and on and on… Please take advantage of these free workshops taught by other educators. Maybe you can register with a friend or a group… even go out to dinner after the class? We need to enhance and broaden the skills that we have in this technology rich environment in which we live and work.

Feel free to call or email with questions.


1 comment:

  1. Patrick..I am thankful for your advertising of my Presentations Class. I am looking forward to teaching the class and sharing my knowledge with others. It think it will be a success.
